Borrowing GuidesEfficiency Mode (E-mode)



High Efficiency Mode (E-mode) in Aave Protocol V3 allows users to maximize their borrowing power by selecting optimized asset categories. With the recent addition of liquid E-modes, assets may belong to multiple E-mode categories, providing greater flexibility in choosing the most efficient borrowing strategy based on category-specific parameters and asset availability.

Each E-mode category specific its own Loan-to-Value (LTV), Liquidation Threshold (LT), Liquidation Bonus, and borrowing permissions for each asset in the category. When an E-mode is activated, borrowing is restricted to assets within the chosen category. Therefore, it’s essential to review the available assets, collateral, and borrowing parameters within the category before enabling E-mode.

Enabling or disabling E-mode can be done directly on the Aave Protocol smart contracts or via interfaces like the Aave Labs interface.

Step 1: Connect Wallet

Press ‘Connect Wallet’ to select your preferred wallet provider and confirm it holds the collateral assets you plan to use.

Step 2: Navigate to E-mode Options

After connecting, go to the ‘Dashboard’ and locate the E-mode option near your account summary row. The availability of E-mode options depends on the assets in your wallet and their category eligibility.

Step 3: Select E-mode Category

Click the ‘E-mode’ button to open the selection modal. You can then enable, switch, or disable an E-mode category that aligns with your collateral strategy. Take note of the collateral and borrowing availability and parameters to determine which E-mode aligns with the intended borrowing strategy. Confirm the transaction in your wallet to apply or disable the selected E-mode, which will affect the asset availability and parameters for borrowing.

Step 4: Supply / Borrow

Once E-mode is active, the steps for supplying and borrowing follow standard protocol procedures. However, remember that your collateral parameters and borrowing options are now tailored to the active E-mode category, dictating available assets and adjusted risk parameters. provides information and resources about the fundamentals of the decentralised non-custodial liquidity protocol called the Aave Protocol, comprised of open-source self-executing smart contracts that are deployed on various permissionless public blockchains, such as Ethereum (the "Aave Protocol" or the "Protocol"). Aave Labs does not control or operate any version of the Aave Protocol on any blockchain network.